Enabling Educational Excellence

At DETS (DifferentiatED Tech Solutions), our mission is to empower K-12 schools by fostering shared leadership and implementing competency-based instruction, all while promoting family and community participation to support student learning. We proudly offer Certified Canvas Technical Administrator (CCTA) services as an additional resource to assist school in achieving their educational goals. Our CCTA professional provides valuable training and support to subscribers and potential users of Instructure Canvas and other Learning Management Systems. These services complement our existing offerings, including:

Shared Leadership:

·       We believe in collaborative leadership, encouraging administrators, teachers, and staff to engage in shared decision-making.

·       Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) provide a platform for educators to exchange insights, discuss best practices, and address challenges collectively.

·       Distributed leadership ensures that responsibilities are distributed, fostering trust, innovation, and continuous improvement.

Competency-Based Instruction:

·       Emphasizing student-centered learning and mastery of skills and knowledge over seat time.

·       Collaborating with educators to design personalized learning paths tailored to individual student needs, interests, and abilities.

·       Providing co-teaching training and support to enhance collaboration between educators and promote inclusive learning environments.

·       Implementing Assessment for Mastery practices, including formative assessments, rubrics, and performance tasks to accurately gauge student progress.

Family and Community Participation:

·       Family Engagement Workshops equip educators with strategies to effectively involve families in the learning process.

·       Family Education Resources provide informational materials covering topics like supporting homework and understanding academic standards.

·       Community Partnerships connect schools with local organizations to provide additional support and resources.

·       Parent Advisory Committees gather feedback and empower parents to shape their children's education.

·       Family Events and Activities foster a sense of belonging within the school community.

Create dynamic learning environments where every student thrives with the support of their families and communities